Elevating Customer Experiences Through Data

Gangverk’s Award-Winning Partnership with Fullstory

Published: September 9, 2024

Updated: September 9, 2024

What if you had a complete picture of your customers' behaviors, uncovering the “why” behind every action—and inaction? With expert guidance, these insights can transform into a higher-converting buyer journey.

Last month we announced that we were honored to receive Fullstory's Rising Star Partner of the Year Award. This recognition highlights our successful collaboration with Fullstory, a leader in digital experience intelligence. Fullstory and Gangverk together help organizations with the urgent task of understanding their customers to optimize buyer journeys.

Untapped Insights: Fullstory x Gangverk 

Fullstory helps organizations make better informed decisions by injecting high-quality behavioral data into an analytics stack. Businesses can detect what they couldn’t before to enhance customer experiences, increase funnel conversion rates, catch fraudulent activities, and identify high-value customers. A major strength of Fullstory’s patented technology is its ability to capture and analyze digital behavioral data at scale. What exactly does that mean? Every click, swipe, and interaction is recorded and analyzed, providing a granular view of the user experience. This level of detail is invaluable for Gangverk. It gives our designers and developers a comprehensive understanding of customer interactions to recreate digital experiences that are intuitive and engaging.

Our approach typically begins with deploying Fullstory to gain an initial understanding of the existing user experience. This includes identifying any friction points or areas where users are dropping off. Once we have this baseline understanding, we can start making incremental improvements, validating and monitoring new features as they are rolled out. Fullstory's real-time insights allow us to see the immediate impact of these changes. We then continuously optimize the user journey.

Aside from detailed user insights, Fullstory's platform enables seamless collaboration across teams. Integrated with platforms like Twilio Segment, Fullstory allows different teams—from design and marketing to development and customer support—to work together more effectively. 

The Customer Experience Trifecta with Twilio Segment

While Fullstory provides behavioral insights, our additional partnership with Twilio Segment enhances these capabilities. Fullstory can be technically and quickly deployed through Segment, which captures and unifies digital signals from every customer interaction to create a detailed user profile. Fullstory then uses that enriched data to analyze user behavior and uncover key insights. This integration allows businesses to quickly identify, prioritize, and address user experience issues, reducing friction and driving higher conversions. The combined power of these platforms provides a holistic and in-depth view for companies to act on.

Fullstory's ability to index and analyze all digital experience data complements Segment's strength in unifying customer data across various touchpoints. This partnership eliminates data silos and provides a single source of truth. By integrating Fullstory's detailed session analysis with Segment's robust data management, businesses can pinpoint where and why users encounter obstacles. Gangverk then uses these insights to create digital experiences that ultimately drive growth and improve customer loyalty.

The Real-World Impact of Our Partnership

Our collaboration with Fullstory and Twilio Segment has yielded big results for our clients. 

Enhancing Airline Booking Experiences

Through our partnership with Fullstory, Gangverk helped an airline dramatically improve its booking process by addressing a critical UI issue that caused a 48% drop-off rate at the payment stage. Fullstory's detailed behavioral insights allowed us to identify an error message visibility problem. Gangverk then leveraged its UX/UI expertise to significantly enhance the customer experience and increase successful bookings.

Mitigating Security Risks in Cruise Bookings

By leveraging Fullstory's analytics and Segment's data integration capabilities, Gangverk helped a cruise company uncover and mitigate a severe security risk involving the exposure of sensitive customer data. Segment captured and managed the behavioral data, while Fullstory analyzed it to spot the breach. These insights led to quick security improvements, including data hashing and a thorough system audit, ensuring strong data privacy and compliance.

Our Vision in Partnership

Fullstory is a key partner in Gangverk’s mission to help create the next generation of customer experience leaders. By continually enhancing our understanding of user behavior and creating engaging customer journeys, we’re helping our clients achieve business growth across increasingly competitive industries. 

Explore how Gangverk and Fullstory can revolutionize your analytics and data stack, providing unparalleled insights into your customer journeys. Contact Gangverk today to learn how our UX, UI, and security expertise, combined with Fullstory's powerful analytics, can enhance your customer experience, mitigate security risks, and boost revenue. Leverage our expertise to transform your customer insights into impactful actions.



Douglas Cirillo

Head of Marketing at Gangverk

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